jueves, 17 de julio de 2014

Third Week Cultural

This week has been very interesting because on Monday it was the 14th of July here in France, they had a big parade in Champs Elisses with all army, navy and armed forces from the country. While I was waiting for the parade to star, there was an air show with some airplane from the air force that were flying over in Champs Elisses also helicopters, it lasted for one hour. I was talking to some friends that lives here, they told me that the parade you can watched on national television, many of the people who were on the parade were a lot of tourists, it is similar in my country in Mexico, I don’t go to see the parade sometimes I watched on TV. 

Army officer before the big Parade

At the Parade

Great View

They had so much security everywhere, police and military were checking, also the local police, many people took pictures with the soldiers, just like home too many streets were closed after the parade it was chaos trying to get from some place to another, we had to walk some time so we could get to the subway and to our house.

At night there was a concert of classical music near the Eiffel Tower, we got there early there were so much people, we waited for more than 5 hours it was worth it, I don’t like classical music, but they played a theme song for star wars my favorite saga of movies. Once again some French people are no nice, polite, we have been saving our spot for long time, they don’t ask if they can seat they take just seat like you weren’t there, I was getting mad because their attitude. Also they were two Asians girls they did the same thing, later that night I was recording the show it was beautiful, I got into an argument with these French lady to told no to stand up. I really got mad, we have a few words, and the same lady did the same with other two people.

The show with the fireworks in the tower was one of the most amazing things I have seen on my whole life, it was worth the wait. Later that night all the French people were yelling Paris or something like, when they started playing the song wow everyone got up, singing it was awesome to hear the song and the people.  The show for the fireworks lasted for more than hour, also the tower in the background was beautiful, and the illumination was something else. Here in Paris, I see that they very proud people from their country, as I am from mine, there more thousands of people around the park yesterday, after all was over some subway stations were close and we walked for long a period of time, we got home close to 2 a.m. It was worth it every moment, also we meet this guy from Mexico who has been here for the last 7 years, he was great so nice thanks for all the help, he is a friend from Omayra who has been awesome to us.

I am learning many things from this trip, one the things that caught my attention all the Muslims that are in France, in Mexico is not that common to see them on the streets. After time goes by I starting to understand better French, I feel the same feeling like I was in the US, the language can be a barrier, you can choose two paths have a narrow mind or adjust to the place where you live. But it is difficult to learn a new language but I guess if you put the time you can accomplish anything. After all I am having a blast here in Paris.       


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